In his book "Post-Cinematic Affect" (2010) Steven Shaviro writes "...we are witnessing the emergence of a different media regime, and indeed of a different mode of production, than those which dominated the 20th century. Digital technologies, together with neoliberal economic relations, have given birth to radically new ways of manufacturing and articulating lived experience. I would like to ... look at developments that are so new and unfamiliar that we scarcely have the vocabulary to describe them, and yet that have become so common, and ubiquitous, that we tend not even to notice them any longer." (Shaviro,p.130)
SARUS Festival 2023 shares Shaviro's goal to investigate "... what it feels like to live in the early 21st century." (Shaviro, p.130) |
Shaviro continues "Films and music videos, like other media works, are machines for generating affect, and for capitalizing upon, or extracting value from, this affect. As such, they are not ideological superstructures, as an older Marxist criticism would have it. Rather, they lie at the very heart of social production, circulation, and distribution. They generate subjectivity, and they play a crucial role in the valorization of capital. Just as the old Hollywood continuity editing system was an integral part of the Fordist mode of production, so the editing methods and formal devices of digital video and film belong directly to the computing-and-information-technology infrastructure of contemporary neoliberal finance. There's a kind of fractal patterning in the way that social technologies, or processes of production and accumulation, repeat or "iterate" themselves on different scales, and at different levels of abstraction." (Shaviro,131)
SARUS Festival hopes to encourage artists and audiences to build encounters for critical engagement around their, all our, implications in the re-inscribing of old patterns as well as the search for new/different ways of knowing and becoming. SARUS Festival seeks to present works and people that do not entertain, but rather engage and challenge us to become aware of the smaller and larger social and political structures that move and guide us.
This year's topic is influenced by the past two years' experiences that drove a good number of us toward digital communication, representation, and digital soothing. What is it like to live in this world? How do we engage with one another? What is important to us in life? What is life? |
'Deep Water'
handmade art crochet freeform mixed synthetic fiber, felt, sheeps wool by Karola Luettringhaus |
plus shipping To purchase contact [email protected] |
'Rosa Moss'
handgehaekelter Schal, freeform crocht, by Karola Luettringhaus $150 150 Euros plus shipping |
To purchase contact [email protected]
>>> Artists, performers, presenters: Apply to SARUS Festival here
>>> Volunteers: Apply here
>>> Supporters: participating in SARUS Festival through your financial support : Contact us here
"Disorientation - Dislocation - Digestion"
We would like your proposals to address one or all of these terms. How is up to you. Why is up to you.
For example:
Disorientation could speak to a sense of loss. Disorientation speaks to experimental exploration and not-knowing.
Dislocation could speak to spatiality and site-specificity, to loss of space or new forms of relating to space, or to becoming dislocated. Dislocation could cause disorientation. Disorientation could be good.
Digestion could speak to processing, assimilating, distilling the useful and discarding that which is burdening, and it could speak to our biology, the biology of the you-me-all-and-everything-planet organism.
How you interpret or work with these terms is up to you, and we are hoping to be surprised by your creativity around this challenge.
We would like your proposals to address one or all of these terms. How is up to you. Why is up to you.
For example:
Disorientation could speak to a sense of loss. Disorientation speaks to experimental exploration and not-knowing.
Dislocation could speak to spatiality and site-specificity, to loss of space or new forms of relating to space, or to becoming dislocated. Dislocation could cause disorientation. Disorientation could be good.
Digestion could speak to processing, assimilating, distilling the useful and discarding that which is burdening, and it could speak to our biology, the biology of the you-me-all-and-everything-planet organism.
How you interpret or work with these terms is up to you, and we are hoping to be surprised by your creativity around this challenge.
Support my work by making a tax-deductible donation to Alban Elved Dance Company. Thank You!
The name says it all: Let's get together and go for a nice walk along the beach. Bring a bag to collect trash along the way. To make this a bit special I offer the following: 1) I offer a brief look into the biomechanics of bending over to pick things up, as well as into walking mechanics. 2) Some days we can meet for crafts projects: I propose that we build collection containers and pick-up-sticks from found objects (instead of buying bags and sticks). 3) Some of you might be interested in working on our experiences through creative expression: I propose that we can recycle found objects as well as use them to create a sculpture or performance to raise awareness for issues around pollution and plastic waste. Location: Beaches of the Wilmington area. Exact meeting places and dates will be announced on the event calendar. Fee: by donation |
This class investigates different ways of meditating in combination with movement. The goal is more mindfulness, calmness, focus, and relaxation for our daily lives. We meet at the beach in Wrightsville Beach, NC. The event takes place in silence and to the sounds of the environment (ocean, birds, people, and whatever other sounds happen to accompany us at that time). Location and times will be announced on the event calendar. The event is weather dependent. Alternate locations in case of bad weather will be announced in the calendar as well. Fee: by donation |
Together with musician tbd we will be dancing, singing, playing and building instruments. Open to all ages. Children and families welcome! More info coming soon. |
photo by Robert Andrew Turner
'topic tbd"
gentle Biomechanics, spinal undulations Die Kunst der Muehelosigkeit The Art of Effortlessness OPEN CLASS at Lake Studios fee: tbd Oktober 24, 2021 (Sunday) @ 9:30-11 Uhr Lake Studios Info photo of Karola Luettringhaus by Robert Andrew Turner more info
coming soon |
> LMT CA #76349 (currently dormant)
> NCBTMB approved continuing education provider #1006 (currently dormant)
> Artistic & Executive Director of Alban Elved Dance Company
> General Director and founder of the SARUS Festival
An experimental collaborative project on transitions and liminal moments
In this workshop we will explore the nature of all the many things or states that we might call 'a transition'.
I envision this workshop as a lab, an open setting with a couple of general goals: Explorations together and sharing of processes with audiences.
First, as a starting point, I am interested in how we can uniquely address the obvious transitions between everyday life and being an audience member or a performer. From there we can go into depths and details of liminality. Curiosity and openness are at the center of this week.
In a 3 hr daily time chunk together we discuss, explore, play guinea pig for one another and also share our ideas, concepts, performances, artworks, scenic designs, costume, installations, and whatever else you choose as a medium, with audiences. Together we will find a shape for our experiments; perhaps as a sequence of events or an ongoing ever changing installation, meditations, audience interactions, a party, rituals, moonlight-walks, you name it...
We can provide simple tech support, but emphasis lies on creativity and self sufficiency in this regard. Think site-specificity and local resources.
You can come with ideas or without any preparation at all.
Our playground for this workshop are the beautiful spaces and natural surroundings of Ponderosa in Stolzenhagen.
>>> More info:
For this experimental creative workshop it is my goal to focus on process, as process itself can be defined as transitional. I am curious about how many questions we can raise around the topic of transition and liminal states: is there such a thing as a transition? Do all transitions share common characteristics? Are there different kinds of transitions? Do transitions depend on time or space, or emotional states? What roles does the investigation around transitions play for other aspects of life or community ? Are we changing roles, personalities, places, opinions? What is the nature of a transition? When does it begin and end? How long does it last before it becomes something else? What does this moment hold? What does it not hold? What is missing? What can we explore to begin shifting the mind or stay in the in-between for longer? etc...
Our work can be personal, abstract, political, social.... We are open to everything.
An experimental collaborative project on transitions and liminal moments
In this workshop we will explore the nature of all the many things or states that we might call 'a transition'.
I envision this workshop as a lab, an open setting with a couple of general goals: Explorations together and sharing of processes with audiences.
First, as a starting point, I am interested in how we can uniquely address the obvious transitions between everyday life and being an audience member or a performer. From there we can go into depths and details of liminality. Curiosity and openness are at the center of this week.
In a 3 hr daily time chunk together we discuss, explore, play guinea pig for one another and also share our ideas, concepts, performances, artworks, scenic designs, costume, installations, and whatever else you choose as a medium, with audiences. Together we will find a shape for our experiments; perhaps as a sequence of events or an ongoing ever changing installation, meditations, audience interactions, a party, rituals, moonlight-walks, you name it...
We can provide simple tech support, but emphasis lies on creativity and self sufficiency in this regard. Think site-specificity and local resources.
You can come with ideas or without any preparation at all.
Our playground for this workshop are the beautiful spaces and natural surroundings of Ponderosa in Stolzenhagen.
>>> More info:
For this experimental creative workshop it is my goal to focus on process, as process itself can be defined as transitional. I am curious about how many questions we can raise around the topic of transition and liminal states: is there such a thing as a transition? Do all transitions share common characteristics? Are there different kinds of transitions? Do transitions depend on time or space, or emotional states? What roles does the investigation around transitions play for other aspects of life or community ? Are we changing roles, personalities, places, opinions? What is the nature of a transition? When does it begin and end? How long does it last before it becomes something else? What does this moment hold? What does it not hold? What is missing? What can we explore to begin shifting the mind or stay in the in-between for longer? etc...
Our work can be personal, abstract, political, social.... We are open to everything.
photo by Robert Andrew Turner
Workshop at Ponderosa e.V. as part of the TANZLAND FESTIVAL 2020 September 7-12, 2019 7-10pm Registration info >>> coming soon... CANCELLED DUE TO COVID photo of Karola Luettringhaus by Robert Andrew Turner more info
ÜBERGÄNGE - BEING THE GAP An experimental collaborative project on transitions and liminal moments In this workshop we will explore the nature of all the many things or states that we might call 'a transition'. I envision this workshop as a lab, an open setting with a couple of general goals: Explorations together and sharing of processes with audiences. First, as a starting point, I am interested in how we can uniquely address the obvious transitions between everyday life and being an audience member or a performer. From there we can go into depths and details of liminality. Curiosity and openness are at the center of this week. In a 3 hr daily time chunk together we discuss, explore, play guinea pig for one another and also share our ideas, concepts, performances, artworks, scenic designs, costume, installations, and whatever else you choose as a medium, with audiences. Together we will find a shape for our experiments; perhaps as a sequence of events or an ongoing ever changing installation, meditations, audience interactions, a party, rituals, moonlight-walks, you name it... We can provide simple tech support, but emphasis lies on creativity and self sufficiency in this regard. Think site-specificity and local resources. You can come with ideas or without any preparation at all. Our playground for this workshop are the beautiful spaces and natural surroundings of Ponderosa in Stolzenhagen. >>> More info: For this experimental creative workshop it is my goal to focus on process, as process itself can be defined as transitional. I am curious about how many questions we can raise around the topic of transition and liminal states: is there such a thing as a transition? Do all transitions share common characteristics? Are there different kinds of transitions? Do transitions depend on time or space, or emotional states? What roles does the investigation around transitions play for other aspects of life or community ? Are we changing roles, personalities, places, opinions? What is the nature of a transition? When does it begin and end? How long does it last before it becomes something else? What does this moment hold? What does it not hold? What is missing? What can we explore to begin shifting the mind or stay in the in-between for longer? etc... Our work can be personal, abstract, political, social.... We are open to everything. |
Art, bodywork, and movement are my life's passion. I tremendously enjoy sharing this fascination with others , and I hope to encourage students to trust themselves and believe in their own amazing voices. Teaching is inspiring to me and I hope to in turn inspire my students to broaden their horizons and to maintain the curiosity and passion that led them on this enriching path.
On this page you will find:
- Scene, Lighting, Video & Costume Design
- Installation Design
- Sketches & Art
- Graphic Design
- Costume Design (for other directors)
- Exhibition Design
- Design for Youth Productions
Check out this month's featured video below!

Upcoming event:
Workshop at Ponderosa e.V.
as part of the
September 7-12, 2019
Registration info >>> coming soon...
photo of Karola Luettringhaus by Robert Andrew Turner
Workshop at Ponderosa e.V.
as part of the
September 7-12, 2019
Registration info >>> coming soon...
photo of Karola Luettringhaus by Robert Andrew Turner
CEU for massage therapists open to therapists |
September 8, 2017
Friday Asheville, NC Dynamic Bodywork - APPENDICULAR SKELETON 6 CEU's more info
Dynamic Bodywork - APPENDICULAR SKELETON 6 CEU's 9:00am-4:30pm (with a break from 11:30-12am and a lunch break from 2-3pm) $135 (6 CEU's) Movement is the essence of life and our bodies are built for it. We seek to understand the structures and the mechanisms of movement. The Dynamic Bodywork modality is based on the premise that understanding and maintaining proper alignment has significant effects on myo-fascial health, and thereby on the healing outcomes of manual therapy in the long term. In Dynamic Bodywork, movement and touch are experienced simultaneously to benefit each other and intensify the building of neural pathways and reorganizing the body map. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: HERE More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to therapists |
September 7, 2017
Thursday Asheville, NC Dynamic Bodywork - INTRODUCTION 6 CEU's more info
Dynamic Bodywork - INTRODUCTION 6 CEU's 9:00am-4:30pm (with a break from 11:30-12am and a lunch break from 2-3pm) $135 (6 CEU's) Movement is the essence of life and our bodies are built for it. We seek to understand the structures and the mechanisms of movement. The Dynamic Bodywork modality is based on the premise that understanding and maintaining proper alignment has significant effects on myo-fascial health, and thereby on the healing outcomes of manual therapy in the long term. In Dynamic Bodywork, movement and touch are experienced simultaneously to benefit each other and intensify the building of neural pathways and reorganizing the body map. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: HERE More information: [email protected] |
CEU credit available for LMBT's open to all |
July 28-30, 2017
Friday - Sunday Charlotte, NC exact location tbd BII - The Body's intrinsic Intelligence with Karola Luettringhaus THE ART OF FOLDING more info
Explore movement from the inside out, investigating the interplay of the body’s individual components, with a focus on energy conservation and injury prevention. Every class is a complex web of exercises and improvisations that inspire body awareness and help develop an internal, intellectual and kinesthetic image of the human body in motion. Open to all, including non-dancers and dance professionals. Class will be tailored to infividual needs and ability. * Friday July 28: 4-7pm (Introduction) * Saturday, July 29: 9-12 (walking) * Saturday, July 29: 2-5pm (horizontal locomotion) * Sunday, July 30: 9-12 (level changes) * Sunday, July 30: 2-5pm (creative integration) Open to all levels. LOCATION Location and other details tba soon PRICES: 1 class $30 2 classes $54 3 classes $72 4 classes $90 5 classes $100 For ceu credit: add $5 per class/3ceu's PAYMENT use credit card or paypal
REGISTRATION: Advance Registration and payment by at least 10 people necessary to secure the workshop. Drop-in possible: as long as we have enough people that have signed up, committed and paid, the workshop will be happening. At that point we accept drop-ins for one or more classes. CLASS DETAILS: 1) INTRODUCTION TO BII This class will focus on movement exercises that introduce you to the general principles behind the work. 2) WALKING This class examines walking mechanics, the gait cycle and transitions from simple walking to creative walking and dancing, as well as controlled and irregular surfaces (outdoor excursions). Investigates how walking illustrates the underlying principle of all movement. 3) HORIZONTAL LOCOMOTION This class will focus on regenerative movements across and on the floor, such as rolling, scooting, and crawling. Open to everyone/all levels. No experience necessary. 4) LEVEL CHANGES This class will focus on finding the spiraling pathways that help us get in and out of the ground, safely and smoothly: from standing to sitting and laying down and back up... 5) CREATIVE INTEGRATION This class allows for playful application of principles explored during classes 1-4. It acts as a review as well as allows us to deepen our understanding of specific topics or challenges as they relate to individual workshop participants. We'll be dancing a lot. (LMBT NC#8931) is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. |
CEU for massage therapists open to therapists |
Friday - Wilmington, NC Dynamic Bodywork - AXIAL SKELETON - 6 CEU's 9:30am-5pm (with a break from 11:30-12am and a lunch break from 2-3pm) $135 (6 CEU's) Dynamic Bodywork - axial skeleton/Live/ 6 CEU's/DB focuses on the function of the spine (and the benefits of intrinsically initiated movements), in walking, sitting and laying down situations. This workshop gives many hands on opportunities to help integrate movement with manual therapy and builds on the 6 CEU Introduction course. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wrightsville Beach, NC BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: WALKING Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. Early bird price: Regular price: 2-5pm 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: meet at access #4, Wrightsville Beach |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wilmington, NC BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: LEVEL CHANGES Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. 9:30am-12:30pm 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: Hannah Block Community Arts Center downtown Wilmington, NC 120 S 2nd St, Wilmington, NC 28401 (free parking on some of 3rd street and on Dock past 3rd street gong towards 4th street, metered parking in front of the building, parking deck on Market and Front has 1st hour free) |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wilmington, NC BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: HORIZONTAL LOCOMOTION Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. 2-5pm 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: Hannah Block Community Arts Center downtown Wilmington, NC 120 S 2nd St, Wilmington, NC 28401 (free parking on some of 3rd street and on Dock past 3rd street gong towards 4th street, metered parking in front of the building, parking deck on Market and Front has 1st hour free) Register and pay here to reserve your spot: More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wilmington, NC BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: INTRODUCTION Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. 9:30am-12:30pm 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: Hannah Block Community Arts Center downtown Wilmington, NC 120 S 2nd St, Wilmington, NC 28401 (free parking on some of 3rd street and on Dock past 3rd street gong towards 4th street, metered parking in front of the building, parking deck on Market and Front has 1st hour free) Register and pay here to reserve your spot: More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wilmington, NC Early bird registration: 2 weeks before or earlier Final registration deadline: 1 week before BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: HORIZONTAL LOCOMOTION Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: Hannah Block Community Arts Center downtown Wilmington, NC 120 S 2nd St, Wilmington, NC 28401 (free parking on some of 3rd street and on Dock past 3rd street gong towards 4th street, metered parking in front of the building, parking deck on Market and Front has 1st hour free) Register and pay here to reserve your spot: More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to EVERYONE |
Thursday - Wilmington, NC Early bird registration: 2 weeks before or earlier Final registration deadline: 1 week before BII - The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence 3CEU's/Live: WALKING Natural Movement Principles – Preserving the body's structures for life-long freedom of movement. 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence', as the foundation for the Dynamic Bodywork modality, seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, cooperation and ease. By refining our own kinesthetic skills we lay the foundation for analyzing movement patterns and challenges in our clients. Location: Hannah Block Community Arts Center downtown Wilmington, NC 120 S 2nd St, Wilmington, NC 28401 (free parking on some of 3rd street and on Dock past 3rd street gong towards 4th street, metered parking in front of the building, parking deck on Market and Front has 1st hour free) Register and pay here to reserve your spot: More information: [email protected] |
Open to ALL |
April 18, 20, 25, 27 & May 2,4/2017
- Wilmington, NC BII: Body's Intrinsic Intelligence / Inner Waves: Natural Movement Principles Beginning & All Levels – 2017/1-WS11 Cameron Art Museum more information coming soon Instructor: Karola Luttringhaus Movement is the essence of life and our bodies are built for it. 'BII – The Body's Intrinsic Intelligence' seeks to investigate and practice a way of moving that is in harmony with the body's natural design and that allows for optimal structural integrity, coordination, and cooperation at any point in time. We explore movement principles that help us in everyday activities as well as in sports or at the workplace. We will move creatively and freely to harmonize body and mind. Our effort goes towards refining our body awareness, energy conservation, injury prevention, and reducing myo-fascial pain. It is our goal to maintain or reinstate mobility, agility, and overall well-being and preserve our natural structures for life-long freedom of movement. We observe the interplay of the body’s individual components in detail while allowing for a democratic approach in learning and body management. Through multi directional exercises, improvisations and anatomical theory we refine our understanding of the human body in motion. Karola will adapt her class to the individual abilities and needs of the participants and we will take time to address participants' specific questions that could relate to walking, laying and sitting down, lifting, or exercising properly at the gym. No previous experience required. Class Minimum is 4 / Maximum 12. Please indicate if you want us to note an exception for this class. Beginning Spring Session 2016, any class not making minimum enrollment within 4 days of start date will be cancelled. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: View other workshops offered at Cameron Art Museum: More information: [email protected] |
Open to ALL |
- Wilmington, NC BII: Body's Intrinsic Intelligence / Inner Waves: Natural Movement Principles Beginning & All Levels – 2017/1-WS11 1-Day Workshop Feb 11, Sat. 10:00 – 3:00 p.m. Reception Hall $75 / $60 CAM member $90 / $75 CAM member after Feb 7 Instructor: Karola Luttringhaus As a sneak peak preview into the BII INNER WAVES class we will take the first topic: Walking. This workshop gives us a closer look at the three-dimensional, multi directional interplay of the body's structures during walking and how it represents the foundation for all movements. Through walking we revitalize the spiral movement patterns that are genetically embedded into our structure: A well-coordinated walk allows for mobility in all joints, which reinstates the constant ebb and flow of tension and relaxation that helps us maintain a healthy and vivid dexterity into old age. We will look at anatomical models, imagery and explore the physicality of walking. Discovering the beautiful complexity in something so seemingly simple, we will then play with the transition from walking to creative walking and dancing! Weather permitting we will go for a walk on the museum grounds. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: View other workshops offered at Cameron Art Museum: More information: [email protected] |
CEU for massage therapists open to therapists |
Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 - Wilmington, NC Dynamic Bodywork - Introduction 6 CEU's 9:30am-5pm (with a break from 11:30-12am and a lunch break from 2-3pm) Early bird (register on or before November 23, 2016: $108 (6 CEU's) After November 23rd, 2016: $135 (6 CEU's) Registration deadline: November 30th Are you interested in incorporating movement into your sessions or treatment plans? Want to understand and improve posture, dynamic posture, and body-mechanics? Want to try something different? This is the CE workshop for you. Register and pay here to reserve your spot: |
Thursday, October 15, 2016 - Wilmington, NC Early bird registration: on or before September 26th, 2016 Final registration deadline: October 3rd, 2016 Dynamic Bodywork - - Introduction 6 CEU's 9am-4:30pm (with a break from 11-11:30am and a lunch break from 1:30-2:30pm) Early bird (register on or before September 26th, 2016: $108 (6 CEU's) After September 26th, 2016: $135 (6 CEU's) Are you interested in incorporating movement into your sessions or treatment plans? Want to understand and improve posture, dynamic posture, and body-mechanics? Want to try something different? This is the CE workshop for you. |
09/17/2016 Saturday, September 17, 2016 - Wilmington, NC Early bird registration: on or before August 29th, 2016 Final registration deadline: September 12th, 2016 Dynamic Bodywork - - Introduction 6 CEU's Passive soft tissue release is combined with mindful and bio-mechanically informed movement 9am-4:30pm (with a break from 11-11:30am and a lunch break from 1:30-2:30pm) Early bird (register on or before August 29, 2016: $108 (6 CEU's) After August 29th, 2016: $135 (6 CEU's) Are you interested in incorporating movement into your sessions or treatment plans? Want to understand and improve posture, dynamic posture, and body-mechanics? Want to try something different? This is the CE workshop for you. Location: tba |