"Carrotopia", a silent movie performed live, tells the story of two polar opposites, both lab-workers in a carrot lab - one loves her job the other hates it. In bizarre and humorous ways this work touches on the topics of solitude, poverty, envy, honesty, deception and genetic engineering.
Supported by The Winston-Salem Foundation, Salem College, Salem College Dance Department, The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, Margaret Scales and Graydon Pleasants,The Academy of Dance Arts and Wanda Plemmons, Bob and Florence Turner, Dawn Shropshire Webster, H.D. Lüttringhaus, Studio 'Fit & Well' (Berlin, Germany), mad duck productions Graphic Designs, O'Kelly Design Studios, The Vintage Theatre, Swiftwater Media, URBAN ARTWARE, PATINA, WILDFLOWER, and many others, private donors and business sponsors.
Premiere: January 19, 2007
Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
Duration: 30 minutes
Supported by The Winston-Salem Foundation, Salem College, Salem College Dance Department, The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, Margaret Scales and Graydon Pleasants,The Academy of Dance Arts and Wanda Plemmons, Bob and Florence Turner, Dawn Shropshire Webster, H.D. Lüttringhaus, Studio 'Fit & Well' (Berlin, Germany), mad duck productions Graphic Designs, O'Kelly Design Studios, The Vintage Theatre, Swiftwater Media, URBAN ARTWARE, PATINA, WILDFLOWER, and many others, private donors and business sponsors.
Premiere: January 19, 2007
Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
Duration: 30 minutes