Ein Tag zu Frueh
EIN TAG ZU FRUEH from Karola Lüttringhaus on Vimeo.
Artistic director/Choreography/costumes/set/concept: Karola Lüttringhaus
Dance: Karola Lüttringhaus Music: Rhan Small, small excerpts of Roger Heaton, Nature and Bird Sounds. Lighting Design: Jennifer O’Kelly/Karola Luttringhaus |
“Ein Tag Zu Früh” is about a woman in solitary confinement. An experience much like in a "camera silens" the inmate is isolated from any regular-life influences such as night and day changes, smells, sounds, contact or exchange with other human beings. The work seeks to depict the deviations of perception and the torture that the mind undergoes when deprived of all references to what used to be one’s life. All moments find a common denominator in a single feeling: fear of dying; fear of dying in a place like this - in complete solitude. Ein Tag zu Früh" translates from German as “One Day Too Soon”. The title speaks of losing the rhythm of life and the belief in ‘the next day’. Time that measures only a moment seems to be an eternity. Had her mind not completely separated from her body she might not have given up too soon and been freed.
Supported by Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin, Germany and the Pangea Project Dance Festival, Washington, DC
Premiere: 1998
Berlin, Germany
reworked April, 2006
Pangea Project Dance Festival, Washington DC
(preview, October 2005)
Duration: 21 minutes
Supported by Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin, Germany and the Pangea Project Dance Festival, Washington, DC
Premiere: 1998
Berlin, Germany
reworked April, 2006
Pangea Project Dance Festival, Washington DC
(preview, October 2005)
Duration: 21 minutes