'Feathers Festival for Young Voices in the Arts'
I help coordinate the 'Feathers Festival for Young Voices in the Arts' in Kernersville, NC.
Chief Artistic and Executive director is Dawn Swaim, board chair of Alban Elved Dance Company.
Feathers Festival offers a platform for young artists to showcase their works.
Open to all artforms.
The next Festival is scheduled for April 2015.
1 week: workshop period, collaborative projects between young artists and professionals, educational workshops.
1 evening performance
1 matinee performance.
Chief Artistic and Executive director is Dawn Swaim, board chair of Alban Elved Dance Company.
Feathers Festival offers a platform for young artists to showcase their works.
Open to all artforms.
The next Festival is scheduled for April 2015.
1 week: workshop period, collaborative projects between young artists and professionals, educational workshops.
1 evening performance
1 matinee performance.