Simone de Beauvoir
interview of biography writer Kate Kirkpatrick
zum franzoesichen Existenzialismus beigetragen
different way of seeing the world
critique of relations between men and women, people were not happy with this critique
she said she wasn't a philosopher
she is an author
some feminists think that she has internalized misogyny
she compares herself to Sartre and that she is not a philosopher like him. you can see this both ways, that she sees herself as less or as more than Sartre.
student in the 1920's
already clear ideas about freedom and love that she stuck to later and then became famous for
dismissive of her work, by audiences.
people say its all due to Sartre... not supportable hypothesis
they are known as an intellectual power couple.
writes about the concept of the Doppelstandard
open polyamorous relationship
1929: to be necessary partners and allow to have other lovers
inspiring freedom in women
sucht einklang zwischen ihrem leben und ihrer philosophie
self critical about her choices and life
sexual liberation
Simone had a odeus coproe: odeum corpore: hatred of the body. Strictly katholic upbringing, she inherited this hatred of the body partially from her mother. the body was a taboo in her childhood.
process of rebellion und selbstbehauptung
interview of biography writer Kate Kirkpatrick
zum franzoesichen Existenzialismus beigetragen
different way of seeing the world
critique of relations between men and women, people were not happy with this critique
she said she wasn't a philosopher
she is an author
some feminists think that she has internalized misogyny
she compares herself to Sartre and that she is not a philosopher like him. you can see this both ways, that she sees herself as less or as more than Sartre.
student in the 1920's
already clear ideas about freedom and love that she stuck to later and then became famous for
dismissive of her work, by audiences.
people say its all due to Sartre... not supportable hypothesis
they are known as an intellectual power couple.
writes about the concept of the Doppelstandard
open polyamorous relationship
1929: to be necessary partners and allow to have other lovers
inspiring freedom in women
sucht einklang zwischen ihrem leben und ihrer philosophie
self critical about her choices and life
sexual liberation
Simone had a odeus coproe: odeum corpore: hatred of the body. Strictly katholic upbringing, she inherited this hatred of the body partially from her mother. the body was a taboo in her childhood.
process of rebellion und selbstbehauptung