D: zeigt einen Zorn, der sich ueber Jahre hinweg angestaut hat und ploetzlich herausbricht. Die Wut ist unbeherrscht aber nicht unkalkuliert. Man weiss, was man tut und geniesst es und findet sich damit ab, dass danach eine Leere eintritt, die gleichzeitig Entlastung und Einsamkeit bedeutet.
E: All action is motivated by hatred. This hatred accumulated over time and is suddenly and unchangeably released. It's character is uncontrolled but still calculated. One enjoys the release and succumbs to the inevitable but welcome emptiness and loneliness that follows this storm.
Supported by Moving Poets Theatre of Dance, www.movingpoets.org, the North Carolina Arts Council, The Winston-Salem Foundation and the Vintage Theatre.
Premiere: February, 2006
10. Internationales Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival, Stuttgart, Germany
(preview, October 2005, Hart-Witzen Gallery, Charlotte, NC)
E: All action is motivated by hatred. This hatred accumulated over time and is suddenly and unchangeably released. It's character is uncontrolled but still calculated. One enjoys the release and succumbs to the inevitable but welcome emptiness and loneliness that follows this storm.
Supported by Moving Poets Theatre of Dance, www.movingpoets.org, the North Carolina Arts Council, The Winston-Salem Foundation and the Vintage Theatre.
Premiere: February, 2006
10. Internationales Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival, Stuttgart, Germany
(preview, October 2005, Hart-Witzen Gallery, Charlotte, NC)